My Birthing Story


And then all of a sudden, my life revolves around this little human being, this human being, I called ‘son’. 

It was past seven in the night of 16th November 2015 when I felt indescribable contractions. I only felt it twice, lasting less than 15 seconds, that’s why I did not bother.

We are past our due. It has been three days after my expected date of delivery. Everyone was already asking when will I deliver, asking why I have not delivered yet at that point of time, and if I am not concerned that we are already overdue. If I only knew the answers to those questions, I will immediately address it. But giving birth can not be scheduled, unless otherwise you are delivering via scheduled CS operation.

I set my mind to give birth naturally. I plan to give birth by a normal way.

But everything did not go as planned. 

My father who just came back from work asked me how I am feeling, I said that I am feeling fine. No regular contractions, I even managed to walk around the village the whole afternoon, and tried going up and down the stairs as what I usually do during the ninth month. But I told him that my tummy feels kinda hard since 1:00PM.

With that statement, my father immediately obliged me to send a message to my OB. And so I did. I told the assistant what I was feeling, and the assistant replied back saying that I should go to the clinic immediately so I can have my baby checked. (By the way, my OB and I agreed to have me induced by 41 weeks which is 20th November 2015 if my baby still did not come out.)

So I sent a message to my cousin to accompany me to the clinic. Brought my hospital bags, the camera, food, and other things for delivery. Everyone is excited. My whole family came along just in case I will be admitted that night.

Upon reaching the clinic, my doctor checked and found out that I am only 1cm dilated. Oh yes, after all the walking I am still at 1! So I told my family that it was time to go home, it was maybe a false alarm. But my OB suggested to do a fetal heartbeat scan to double check.

Then I heard the scariest sound of my life. 

My son’s heartbeat reaches about 180 bpm. Doctor said that the normal fetal heart rate (FHR) usually ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute (bpm). It continuously increased, the beat got faster and faster, like the sound of a horse running in a race. After a few seconds, it dropped to 112 bpm.My OB immediately said that we should already book an Operation Room in the hospital nearby since I need to be cut open, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, IN THE FASTEST POSSIBLE WAY.

Then I cried.

Just like the first time I found out I was pregnant, I cried. I cried that time because I am afraid for my son. I know we were both in danger, but I am more concerned of his well-being. I loved him from the very start. I loved him dearly that I need to keep him safe and alive.

I was rushed in the emergency room of the hospital, nurses asked to change my clothes to a hospital dress, put the IV, then rushed me to the Operating Room. Seriously, it was the first time I will be admitted. It was the first major medical procedure in my whole life that is why I was so so so afraid.

And my husband was still in Singapore. He already rushed to the airport at the time he knew I needed an emergency CS. I want to see him and hold him, and hear him say that everything will be okay, but it was still a three-an-a-half flight to Manila.

I was shaking. I became more nervous when my parents kissed me and said that everything will be alright. Everything was fast. I was not ready yet.

Here comes the baby!

I was in the Operating room, half-sedated since I need to be awake during the operation. Oops! I ate chocolates and drank water hours before the operation so the Anesthesiologist told me I need to be awake in case I need to vomit.

So there, I was awake, eyes wide open, starting to feel nothing. Then all of the scenes became a dreamy-like-movie-effect in my perspective. After few minutes, I saw my baby lifted up by my OB. I heard his first cry. Then I saw him at the side table being cleaned by the nurses.

All of a sudden, I felt his face touching mine, he was crying.

Then I said, “Hello Eli, I love you.”

Motherhood since 17th November 2015

It was 12:35 in the early morning of 17th November 2015 when I officially became a mother.

This is one of the happiest days in my life.

The day I will forever cherish.

The day that will always remind me that God is good all the time.

That God has been blessing us so much.

That God is merciful.

That God is Love.

Welcome and I will forever love you,

Francis Elijah Guevarra Matias

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. ” 1 Peter 2:2-3







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